Tuesday, July 29, 2008


WADE IS BACK! Hip hip hooray! My big brother wade is back in town! i am SO exited to see him ! and to top it off Lauren and Rachel are coming down to our house to day and the missionaries are coming over tonight to teach Angelita a lesson! well that's all for today.

love always,
Krista Nicole Johnson

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Weekend in Vidor

hooray !!!!! I don't have a jacked up blog any more!!!! i love the old wall paper but this one is a little less me than the other one but just as cute and bubbly! I love it, me and lele and mama just got back from Vidor , Texas! We saw my cousins Lauren and Rachel and Jojo and Tam tam and Adam! We also saw little Hannah, Isaac, and Bella dunning! Man are they cute! There Yorkie is so tiny!! I love them all sooo much especially my great grandma and great grandpa (Great and grand really is exactly how i would explain them!)You see my great grand ma is in the hospital so we came down to visit her! I love them all so much and can't wait to see them later this year hopefully I can get some pictures on to explain why I had such a great time!
love always,
Miss Krista Nicole Johnson

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Casper was diagnosed with distemper when he was born, distemper is an incurable sickness that dogs get. we found out only yesterday when he started to have seizures and foam was coming out of his mouth. We thought his leg was broken because he kept on twitching it and limping on it. no such thing , a sign of distemper. So we took him to the pet emergency room and we had to put my sweet caspie pasp to sleep ,and by asleep i mean dead. I WAS A BASKET CASE! which means i was sobbing for hours! luckily i wasn't there to see this heartbreaking sight! my eyes are tearing up again. i have to stop writing this! well just so you know I'm happy for Casper! Rite at this moment i know he's up in heaven under heavenly fathers feet playing and jumping around waiting for us!So this is my memorial of Casper!